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It’s a film that delivers on the formulaic success of the brand – featuring cute characters, new storylines and plenty of rainbow motifs. This film makes a total number of 21 feature-length films for the franchise.

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Last week, I went to go see the latest movie release – Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us.

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There’s something about the franchise that draws LGBTI audiences in, appealing to specific areas of their gender identity and sexuality. | Photo: James BesanvalleĪ lot of people within the LGBTI community love Pokémon. Now, as an adult, it’s equal parts nostalgia, escapism and belonging bringing me back to Pokémon each time.Īnd I’m not alone. With every new release, it transported me deeper and deeper into the franchise. Over the next couple of years, the games reached North America, Europe and Australia. The Pokémon franchise officially began in 1995, but the first game didn’t come out in Japan until February 1996. Then I’d come home and play Pokémon Blue, while my twin brother played Pokémon Red right next to me. I’d trade Pokémon cards with my friends during lunch. Then I’d go to school and draw Pokémon with my best friend during recess.

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I’d wake up and watch the TV show over breakfast. I was about seven years old when I first became aware of Pokémon.

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